Jumat, 31 Desember 2010


#2010memories. 13TERS. thanks for being my girls, my family, my everything.

#2010memories. ELB. Ever-Lasting Bitch. haha nama yang kontroversial. seneng bisa punya fandom (?) sendiri deeeh berasa artis *kibas rambut*

#2010memories. semua orang di timeline twitter gue. ga mungkin bisa gue sebut satu-satu. pokoknya semua yang ada di following twitter gue, thanks udah bikin hari-hari gue lebih hidup dengan tweets kalian yang bisa gue retweet LOL

#2010memories. you - Kyle Alexander. thanks buat 080910-nya ♥ hahaha sekarang kita emang lebih comfort buat temenan. ah remember, we are 'SKY' hahaha

"cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with me, and you make everything alright. and when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me, and I can always find my way when you are here."
 Train - When I Look to The SKY

kay, bye bye 2010. thanks for all great memories :)

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Jumat, 31 Desember 2010


#2010memories. 13TERS. thanks for being my girls, my family, my everything.

#2010memories. ELB. Ever-Lasting Bitch. haha nama yang kontroversial. seneng bisa punya fandom (?) sendiri deeeh berasa artis *kibas rambut*

#2010memories. semua orang di timeline twitter gue. ga mungkin bisa gue sebut satu-satu. pokoknya semua yang ada di following twitter gue, thanks udah bikin hari-hari gue lebih hidup dengan tweets kalian yang bisa gue retweet LOL

#2010memories. you - Kyle Alexander. thanks buat 080910-nya ♥ hahaha sekarang kita emang lebih comfort buat temenan. ah remember, we are 'SKY' hahaha

"cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with me, and you make everything alright. and when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me, and I can always find my way when you are here."
 Train - When I Look to The SKY

kay, bye bye 2010. thanks for all great memories :)

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