Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011


Hellooooooo :)

This isn't a good news. This is a bad news ... well, for me.

Wait, take a look at this post's title hahaha yeah, what a beautiful date. And that's going to be a meaningful date for all Hottest in Indonesia! (Hottest : 2PM's fans) Because they will hold their "Hands Up Asian Tour" concert in Jakarta :D

I've prepared for this since a looonggg time ago hahahaha gue udah nabung tiap hari, ngga jajan, kadang bawa bekel dari rumah, supaya uang saku yang dikasih sama bokap gue bisa gue tabung buat beli tiket konsernya :)

Gue udah janjian sama Rizka Arianti buat barengan nonton konser ini, kita udah janji bakal beli tiket bareng, duduk di seat yang sebelahan, teriakin nama bias kita masing-masing, and see their abs with our own eyes :">

Gue udah ngga sabar gue bakal liat dia ... I'll meet him ... again ... for the second time. I'll see his adorable eyes, his sweet smile, his precious laugh. My boy, my breath, my heart, my soul ... my everything.

But the fact is ... Orangtua gue ngga ngebolehin gue buat nonton konser  mereka :))) *forcing myself to smile* Gue ngga perlulah maparin semua alasan mereka di sini, ntar gue nangis lagi hahahaha oke deh inti dari postingan ini adalah ... I will not attend 2PM's Hands Up Concert in Jakarta on November 11th, 2011. So, buat semua orang yang bakal dateng ke konser mereka, have fun ya! *teary-eyed*

Goodbye, Lee Junho :) :") :"(

"No one ever told me that "goodbye" would be this hard... And let go is even harder..." - Abby Jusuf, Perhaps You

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

Avril Lavigne - I am With You

I'm standing on a bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know
'Cause nothing's going right
And everything's a mess
And no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Oh why is everything so confusing
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yea yea yea

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you...


11 Mei 2011 kemaren.......GUE NONTON AVRIL!!!!


ini tiketnya :D

Gue nonton sama temen dari dunia kpop, Ayu Larasati :D Kita nonton The Black Star Tour ini karna kelebihan duit depresi ngga bisa nonton KIMCHI yg tiketnya bisa buat beli PS2 itu -_____- Jadi singkatnya, Avril ini kita jadikan sebagai pelarian hahaha

Tadinya kita hampir terancam ngga jadi nonton karna ngga dapet supir, di menjelang detik-detik terakhir akhirnya Ayu berhasil merayu nemu sopir *sujud syukur*

Kita ngira kita udah telat, konsernya udah mulai, gara-gara sepanjang jalan tuh maceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttt banget. Udah pasrah deh pokoknya. Eh ternyata pas udah masuk venue, konsernya belum mulai. Yaudah tuh kita nunggu, kira-kira masih jam stgh 6 deh itu, konsernya mulai jam 7.

Dan ternyata.......


Gilaaaaa di situ gue udah kesel banget. Bayangin aja 3 jam berdiri, desek-desekan berusaha mempertahankan posisi supaya ngga diserobot orang, sumpek, bau berbagai macam wewangian (dan keringat -___-), udah kayak mau pingsan rasanya. Mana belum makan malem pula hhhh sampe ada cowok yg teriak di belakang gue, "WOY LAPER VRILLL" zzz.

Konsernya baru mulai jam stgh 9 dan dibuka dgn lagu Black Star, terus dilanjut dengan lagu What The Hell. Gilaaaaa orang-orang semua pada loncat-loncatan sambil nyanyi-nyanyi, gokil abis deh pokoknya. Kayaknya semua orang pada ilang keselnya. Udah gitu dilanjut sama lagu-lagu yg lain, gue ga hapal urutannya, yang jelas dia nyanyi When You're Gone, Happy Ending, Girlfriend, Sk8ter Boy, I am With You, dan apa lagi gue ngga begitu hapal huahahaha abis dadakan sih nontonnya jd ga sempet ngapalin lagu-lagunya -_- Terakhir konser ditutup sama lagu Complicated.

Ada foto-fotonya sih, tapi ga jelas -_- Yang jelas malah video-nya.

Hasil foto gue ga terlalu jelas ya? Hahaha maklum, foto pake BB -_- Tapi jarak gue berdiri ke panggung lumayan deket kok. Gue bisa liat jelas dia pake eye-liner yg bikin dia jadi fierce abis. Tapi gue dapet foto yg jelas nya dari temen gue.

Konsernya selesai kira-kira stgh 11. Ortu gue udah marah-marah ga jelas -____- Pokoknya gue nyampe rumah jam 12an. Capek sih, tapi seneng :D

Dan karna nonton konser ini.......gue jadi suka lagu I am With You

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

We Call It ♥

Jatuh cinta. Kenapa cinta harus diiringi dengan kata “jatuh”? Jatuh cinta. Kenapa? Karena cinta itu datang secara tidak disengaja, sama kayak jatuh. Semua orang pasti ngga tau kapan mereka akan jatuh. Sama kayak cinta. Semua orang pasti ngga tau kapan mereka akan ngerasain yang namanya cinta. Jatuh, seringan apapun, pasti akan menimbulkan luka, entah itu goresan atau luka jaitan. Sama kayak cinta, sekecil apapun rasa cinta itu, pasti akan menimbulkan luka juga. Bedanya di sini, luka saat jatuh bisa diobati, tapi luka karena cinta yang terlalu dalam, ga akan pernah bisa diobati.

This is my confession… When I’m falling in love… I think about you, and then my heart beats faster but slower at the same time. I blush whenever I hear your name. I look at your profile constantly. I read your texts over and over again. I smile when I hear your voice. I love that feeling of being secure when you wrap your arms around me. I can be myself when I am with you. I can tell you anything, and you won't be shocked. And when you have to share anything you'll always come to me. Seems like I have become a crying shoulder to you. And I’m pained to see you in pain slightest of the slightest. And I just love him, I want him even more than me.

We started off as strangers, then soon became friends. You told me you liked me, thought I didn’t feel the same. Soon after you said, it started as a game. But soon became the truth. I don’t know what made me like you too. You’re the first one I think of when I wake up. And the last one I think of before I go to sleep. Everything. Our late night talks, dumb jokes, awkward moments, and all the laughter. Just makes me fall in love with you more. You give me butterflies when you say the sweetest things. Flirty little words, nick-names and playful games, and….sweet little kisses. Yeah, I love to be around you.

“I love being in love with you. Thank you just for choosing me. That we should be being in love forever. And ever, ever…”
I Love Being In Love With You – Diana Ross

But when you act like the one I didn’t fall in love with… it makes me wonder if we were really meant to be.

And then…..it’s over.

Gue merasakan yang namanya jatuh lagi. Dan kembali terluka. Luka itu lebih dalam dari luka-luka sebelumnya (apaan deh bahasa gue jadi resmi begini -_-) Hubungan kita berakhir bukan karena kita mau, tapi karena kita harus. Bukan karena kamu yang salah atau aku yang salah. Tapi karena hubungan kita ini yang salah di mata orang-orang. Kita terpaksa. Aku masih sayang sama kamu. Dari waktu itu, sampe sekarang.

Relationship sometimes come to an end. It’s just a fact of life. The problem is people just can’t let go and move on. The break up of this relationship probably seems like the end of the world. But it’s not.

“What's the wisest thing to do if you extremely want something or someone that/who can never be yours or can never be yours again or was never yours? Let go.” - Anonymous

Easier said than done. We may defy it, resist it or rebel against it, but that’s the way it should be…or the way we should go.

Let go.

I would stop thinking of him that much and start to convince myself that it’s a lost cause, that he’s not coming back. I have to tell myself the dreaded truth only I refused to acknowledge : He is not mine anymore and he’ll never be. I have to move on and live on for I have a full life ahead of me.

It’s like telling yourself that it’s no use crying over spilled milk and let bygones be bygones, let’s charge everything to experience.

He goes east, I’ll go west… and We both will live.

That’s all for now.

But I’ll always remember you :)

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011


Hellooooooo :)

This isn't a good news. This is a bad news ... well, for me.

Wait, take a look at this post's title hahaha yeah, what a beautiful date. And that's going to be a meaningful date for all Hottest in Indonesia! (Hottest : 2PM's fans) Because they will hold their "Hands Up Asian Tour" concert in Jakarta :D

I've prepared for this since a looonggg time ago hahahaha gue udah nabung tiap hari, ngga jajan, kadang bawa bekel dari rumah, supaya uang saku yang dikasih sama bokap gue bisa gue tabung buat beli tiket konsernya :)

Gue udah janjian sama Rizka Arianti buat barengan nonton konser ini, kita udah janji bakal beli tiket bareng, duduk di seat yang sebelahan, teriakin nama bias kita masing-masing, and see their abs with our own eyes :">

Gue udah ngga sabar gue bakal liat dia ... I'll meet him ... again ... for the second time. I'll see his adorable eyes, his sweet smile, his precious laugh. My boy, my breath, my heart, my soul ... my everything.

But the fact is ... Orangtua gue ngga ngebolehin gue buat nonton konser  mereka :))) *forcing myself to smile* Gue ngga perlulah maparin semua alasan mereka di sini, ntar gue nangis lagi hahahaha oke deh inti dari postingan ini adalah ... I will not attend 2PM's Hands Up Concert in Jakarta on November 11th, 2011. So, buat semua orang yang bakal dateng ke konser mereka, have fun ya! *teary-eyed*

Goodbye, Lee Junho :) :") :"(

"No one ever told me that "goodbye" would be this hard... And let go is even harder..." - Abby Jusuf, Perhaps You

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

Avril Lavigne - I am With You

I'm standing on a bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know
'Cause nothing's going right
And everything's a mess
And no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Oh why is everything so confusing
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yea yea yea

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you...


11 Mei 2011 kemaren.......GUE NONTON AVRIL!!!!


ini tiketnya :D

Gue nonton sama temen dari dunia kpop, Ayu Larasati :D Kita nonton The Black Star Tour ini karna kelebihan duit depresi ngga bisa nonton KIMCHI yg tiketnya bisa buat beli PS2 itu -_____- Jadi singkatnya, Avril ini kita jadikan sebagai pelarian hahaha

Tadinya kita hampir terancam ngga jadi nonton karna ngga dapet supir, di menjelang detik-detik terakhir akhirnya Ayu berhasil merayu nemu sopir *sujud syukur*

Kita ngira kita udah telat, konsernya udah mulai, gara-gara sepanjang jalan tuh maceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttt banget. Udah pasrah deh pokoknya. Eh ternyata pas udah masuk venue, konsernya belum mulai. Yaudah tuh kita nunggu, kira-kira masih jam stgh 6 deh itu, konsernya mulai jam 7.

Dan ternyata.......


Gilaaaaa di situ gue udah kesel banget. Bayangin aja 3 jam berdiri, desek-desekan berusaha mempertahankan posisi supaya ngga diserobot orang, sumpek, bau berbagai macam wewangian (dan keringat -___-), udah kayak mau pingsan rasanya. Mana belum makan malem pula hhhh sampe ada cowok yg teriak di belakang gue, "WOY LAPER VRILLL" zzz.

Konsernya baru mulai jam stgh 9 dan dibuka dgn lagu Black Star, terus dilanjut dengan lagu What The Hell. Gilaaaaa orang-orang semua pada loncat-loncatan sambil nyanyi-nyanyi, gokil abis deh pokoknya. Kayaknya semua orang pada ilang keselnya. Udah gitu dilanjut sama lagu-lagu yg lain, gue ga hapal urutannya, yang jelas dia nyanyi When You're Gone, Happy Ending, Girlfriend, Sk8ter Boy, I am With You, dan apa lagi gue ngga begitu hapal huahahaha abis dadakan sih nontonnya jd ga sempet ngapalin lagu-lagunya -_- Terakhir konser ditutup sama lagu Complicated.

Ada foto-fotonya sih, tapi ga jelas -_- Yang jelas malah video-nya.

Hasil foto gue ga terlalu jelas ya? Hahaha maklum, foto pake BB -_- Tapi jarak gue berdiri ke panggung lumayan deket kok. Gue bisa liat jelas dia pake eye-liner yg bikin dia jadi fierce abis. Tapi gue dapet foto yg jelas nya dari temen gue.

Konsernya selesai kira-kira stgh 11. Ortu gue udah marah-marah ga jelas -____- Pokoknya gue nyampe rumah jam 12an. Capek sih, tapi seneng :D

Dan karna nonton konser ini.......gue jadi suka lagu I am With You

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

We Call It ♥

Jatuh cinta. Kenapa cinta harus diiringi dengan kata “jatuh”? Jatuh cinta. Kenapa? Karena cinta itu datang secara tidak disengaja, sama kayak jatuh. Semua orang pasti ngga tau kapan mereka akan jatuh. Sama kayak cinta. Semua orang pasti ngga tau kapan mereka akan ngerasain yang namanya cinta. Jatuh, seringan apapun, pasti akan menimbulkan luka, entah itu goresan atau luka jaitan. Sama kayak cinta, sekecil apapun rasa cinta itu, pasti akan menimbulkan luka juga. Bedanya di sini, luka saat jatuh bisa diobati, tapi luka karena cinta yang terlalu dalam, ga akan pernah bisa diobati.

This is my confession… When I’m falling in love… I think about you, and then my heart beats faster but slower at the same time. I blush whenever I hear your name. I look at your profile constantly. I read your texts over and over again. I smile when I hear your voice. I love that feeling of being secure when you wrap your arms around me. I can be myself when I am with you. I can tell you anything, and you won't be shocked. And when you have to share anything you'll always come to me. Seems like I have become a crying shoulder to you. And I’m pained to see you in pain slightest of the slightest. And I just love him, I want him even more than me.

We started off as strangers, then soon became friends. You told me you liked me, thought I didn’t feel the same. Soon after you said, it started as a game. But soon became the truth. I don’t know what made me like you too. You’re the first one I think of when I wake up. And the last one I think of before I go to sleep. Everything. Our late night talks, dumb jokes, awkward moments, and all the laughter. Just makes me fall in love with you more. You give me butterflies when you say the sweetest things. Flirty little words, nick-names and playful games, and….sweet little kisses. Yeah, I love to be around you.

“I love being in love with you. Thank you just for choosing me. That we should be being in love forever. And ever, ever…”
I Love Being In Love With You – Diana Ross

But when you act like the one I didn’t fall in love with… it makes me wonder if we were really meant to be.

And then…..it’s over.

Gue merasakan yang namanya jatuh lagi. Dan kembali terluka. Luka itu lebih dalam dari luka-luka sebelumnya (apaan deh bahasa gue jadi resmi begini -_-) Hubungan kita berakhir bukan karena kita mau, tapi karena kita harus. Bukan karena kamu yang salah atau aku yang salah. Tapi karena hubungan kita ini yang salah di mata orang-orang. Kita terpaksa. Aku masih sayang sama kamu. Dari waktu itu, sampe sekarang.

Relationship sometimes come to an end. It’s just a fact of life. The problem is people just can’t let go and move on. The break up of this relationship probably seems like the end of the world. But it’s not.

“What's the wisest thing to do if you extremely want something or someone that/who can never be yours or can never be yours again or was never yours? Let go.” - Anonymous

Easier said than done. We may defy it, resist it or rebel against it, but that’s the way it should be…or the way we should go.

Let go.

I would stop thinking of him that much and start to convince myself that it’s a lost cause, that he’s not coming back. I have to tell myself the dreaded truth only I refused to acknowledge : He is not mine anymore and he’ll never be. I have to move on and live on for I have a full life ahead of me.

It’s like telling yourself that it’s no use crying over spilled milk and let bygones be bygones, let’s charge everything to experience.

He goes east, I’ll go west… and We both will live.

That’s all for now.

But I’ll always remember you :)