Senin, 28 April 2014

Unrequited Love

'Unrequited love' sounds kind of old-fashioned, doesn't it?

But it is what I feel right now.

My thoughts continually turn to him. Every song reminds me of his face. I fantasize about us being together. It's an ache that literally hurts my chest. In the hours and days after seeing him, I keep smiling like an idiot.

Even though it was not the 'real-seeing', sometimes he just walked by and I saw him from afar (really afar), sometimes he was sitting on a bench and I was the one who walked by (and quietly admiring him), we never talked, we never smiled to each other, and I wondered if he knew my name.

But my peaceful life of adoring him from distances has changed.

My friends, well, they're not actually my friends in this case, told him that I like him so much.

I was so embarrassed that my cheeks turned red. And he saw that, he saw me running like a headless chicken since I wanted to hide myself from him. But of course, I failed.

He just smiled, since he was so shy, meanwhile I was busy covering my face.

I hate my friends so much that day.

Well, only that day. They're still my friends despite what they've done to me. Look how kindhearted I am.

But since that 'tragedy' happened at the canteen of the pharmacy building, many people saw me too and I really wanted to dig a hole and bury myself there forever.

So, these days, I've been avoiding him.

I don't want to see nor meet him anymore.

If I see him in front of the building that I have classes in, I take the other way to enter.

I don't want him to see me that much because I don't even have the courage to look into his eyes anymore.

Yes, I'm a pathetic girl.

And yes, unrequited love is a bore, and I've got it pretty bad. But for someone that I adore, it's a pleasure to be sad.

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

New Life, Old Feelings

Hi, people!
Long time no write hahaha my last post was on feb 5, 2012...

Oke, jadi di sini sebenarnya gue lagi ngerjain lapak (laporan akhir) praktikum fisdas (fisika dasar) gue. Tapi entah setan apa yang menggoda gue untuk login ke blog gue yang udah jamuran ini dan memutuskan untuk bikin postingan baru.

Bagi yang belum tau, sekarang gue tengah sok sibuk-sibuknya menjalani kehidupan sebagai mahasiswi cantik tapi ga kurus-kurus. Yep, status gue sekarang adalah sebagai pacar orang mahasiswi Farmasi Universitas Padjadjaran :)

Kemafar Unpad 2013

Farmasi Unpad adalah doa gue berbulan-bulan yang lalu, saat gue dan temen-temen seperjuangan gue yang lain tengah galau sehabis lulus UN SMA, mau lanjut ke mana. Dari beribu-ribu orang yang daftar SNMPTN ke sana, gue adalah satu dari 161 pendaftar yang diterima. Pas pengumuman gue nangis, nangis bahagia karena gue yang begini, bisa bikin orangtua gue bangga. Gue seneeeng banget. Karena gue udah dapet kursi di jurusan yang gue idam-idamkan tanpa berharap lebih. Berbulan-bulan gue habiskan dengan gabut, nunggu daftar ulang dan resmi jadi mahasiswi di sana.

Setelah resmi dan ngejalanin kehidupan perkuliahan di sana...............................................bye :)
Jangan tanya enakan kuliah atau SMA. Jangan.

Oke, gue ga mau ngeluh gue nulis jurnal - lapak - jurnal - lapak terus setiap hari sampe jari-jari gue kapalan di sini (lah ini namanya apa, Sist). Gue mau percepat aja ya.

Hari Sabtu, tanggal 12 Oktober 2013, ospek atau mabim atau peka atau apapun itu, beres. Gue bahagia banget rasanya mau nyium tanah tapi gue tumbang hari itu hahahaha sampe dianter pulang kang *.....* (sensor). Sumpah bukan modus, beneran sakit kok. Ya pokoknya ospek selama tujuh minggu itu (akhirnya) berakhir dan gue bisa pulang ke Bogor dalam rangka libur Idul Adha dengan tenang.

Gue pulang malam itu juga, dijemput bokap, sama kakak gue, bertiga. Gue ga tau deh perjalanannya lancar atau macet soalnya sepanjang jalan gue tidur -_- Gue cuma dibangunin sekali dan itu untuk.........................makan. Gue sampe rumah jam 23.30 dan gue langsung lari ke kamar.

Kamar gue tersayang :')

Dan gue langsung tepar. Besok paginya gue bangun jam 7, sarapan, terus tidur lagi. Siangnya gue jalan-jalan sama keluarga gue ke Botani Square. Oke, ulang lagi. BOTANI SQUARE!!!!!!!!!!! Rasanya udah berabad-abad ga ke sana sampe gue ngira pas gue ke sana mall itu udah naik tingkat jadi lantai 8.

Hari Senin, gue ga mau diem di rumah. Mumpung libur dan di Bogor, gue ga mau berkutat dengan tugas-tugas yang gue bawa dari Jatinangor. Akhirnya hari itu gue dapet schedule karaokean sama Ayu di Happy Puppy dan main sama temen-temen SMA gue di Botani, yang masih belum jelas siapa aja yang bakal ikut hari itu, pokoknya yang penting main.

Gue dan Ayu janjian berangkat jam 11, gue dianter bokap, doi naik angkot. Gue kena AC, doi kepanasan. Rada kasian juga sih, gue curiga pas ketemu di Happy Puppy badan dia agak kecilan jangan-jangan menyusut karena kena panas mesin angkot. Peace, Yu, bercanda ;) Ya seperti biasa, kita ga paling anti karaoke cuma sebentar. Jadilah gue dan dia mesen buat tiga jam. Bener-bener siap debut :)

Tapi di tengah-tengah karaoke, Aip bbm. Dia nyuruh gue ke Botani saat itu juga, soalnya dia udah di sana. Please banget padahal janjiannya jam 5. Yaudah beres karaoke sekitar jam 3 sore, gue langsung caw ke sana dan meninggalkan Ayu pulang sendirian. Iya, gue jahat banget emang. Pas gue nyampe sana......................taunya Aip lagi nemenin nyokapnya belanja. Ga mungkin dong gue nyamperin dia sama keluarganya. It would be super awkward for both of us. Gue udah siap-siap pengen nyekek Aip karena udah nyuruh gue buru-buru ke sana.

Gue memutuskan untuk ke Gramedia dan ngeborong novel beserta komik untuk persediaan gue di Jatinangor sambil nunggu Aip beres jalan-jalan sama keluarganya. Gue ngehubungin Putri, Tiar, dan Yasmira, nyuruh mereka ke Botani. Taunya respon mereka sama semua, "Loh katanya jam 5, Sist? Kok sekarang?" Sumpah ya -_______- Kayaknya emang gue yang terlalu nurut sama Aip. Atau terlalu bodoh. Mau aja disuruh dateng cepet. Dalem hati gue nyumpahin dia biar makin botak.

Dan saking keselnya, gue sampe ngetweet:
"Sumpah kalo kayak gini lebih mending 100000000x makan tahu sumedang sama Has**"

Karena gue laper, gue memutuskan untuk ke Solaria dan makan sendiri di sana. Ngenes banget ga sih. Mana di luar hujan. Gue udah bete kuadrat gitu, Tiar bbm:

"Sis, tunggu ya gue berangkatnya nungguin Aip"

"Loh kok nungguin Aip?"

"Iya, dia kan pulang dulu nganter keluarganya, baru berangkat bareng gue"

Gue semakin rajin berdoa, "Semoga Aip botak selamanya. Semoga Aip botak selamanya. Semoga Aip botak selamanya. Semoga Aip botak selamanya. Semoga Aip botak selamanya."
Setelah berpuluh-puluh menit gue makan sendiri di Solaria, akhirnya Putri dateng. Ga lama kemudian Aip dan Tiar dateng, tadinya gue mau sok-sok ngambek gitu tapi gagal gara-gara ngeliat Aip semi-botak pake kupluk kayak mamang-mamang villa. Terakhir, Yasmira. Lengkap deh kita ngobrol-ngobrol di Solaria sampe mbak-mbaknya kesel pengen ngusir.

Berhubung kita sadar kita udah kelamaan di situ, kita pindah ke J.Co. Di sana kita cuma ngobrol sampe jam 20.30 karena kita berlima udah disms orangtua masing-masing, disuruh pulang, malam takbiran. Zzzzz. Sebelum pulang, udah pasti kita foto-foto dulu :)

I'll miss you, guys :)

Di mobil, di perjalanan pulang, gue tersadar. Gue ga bakal nemu pengganti mereka. Mungkin gue terlalu gengsi untuk bilang hal ini secara langsung ke mereka, makanya bakal gue tulis di sini.

Tiar: di Unpad, gue ga nemu orang yang se-bawel lo. Bawel ngingetin tugas, bawel ngelarang ga boleh ketawa kenceng-kenceng, bawel marahin kalo gue dan Aip ngomong ambigu, dan masih banyak lagi. Awalnya gue sama Aip sering kesel kalo dibawelin gitu, tapi sekarang, di saat orang-orang yang gue temui setiap hari sibuk dengan dirinya sendiri, gue kangen kebawelan lo, Yar, yang bisa diartikan sebagai rasa peduli lo sama temen-temen di sekitar lo.

Putri: di Unpad, gue ga nemu orang yang menggelayuti gue tanpa gue merasa terbebani. Gue seneng lo panggil "Mamih", gue seneng lo peluk, lo rangkul, lo gandeng, pas kita mau jajan ke kantin bareng. Bahkan kemarin, lo masih kayak gitu ke gue. Di saat gue lagi sendiri di kostan begini, gue kangen semua itu.

Yasmira: di Unpad, ga ada yang mau nemenin gue ke mana-mana. Mungkin kemarin gue udah bilang, "Miii, di sana ga ada lagi yang mau nemenin gue kalo gue belum dijemput." Dan lo cuma ketawa. Iya, di sini semuanya punya urusan sendiri-sendiri dan telalu sibuk untuk ngurusin gue yang manja ini. Cuma lo yang mau nemenin gue kalo belum dijemput, nemenin gue ke kantin padahal lo udah kenyang, nemenin gue naik angkot walau harus muter balik karena gue ga bisa pulang sendiri. Ga bakal ada yang kayak lo di sini karena mungkin sifat itu hanya lo yang punya.

Dan terakhir,

Aip: di Unpad, ga ada yang... Seperti kata lo dulu, seperti yang selalu lo bilang ke gue kalo gue lagi kesel sama lo, "Jangan ngambek, Sis. Nanti di Unpad ga bakal ada yang kayak gue loh." Iya, Ip. Iya. Di Unpad ga ada yang kayak lo. Ga ada cowok yang baru dateng tiga detik udah bisa bikin gue ketawa. Ga ada. Gue bahkan ga bisa ngelist apa aja yang ada di diri lo yang ga gue temuin di sini, karena....................................terlalu banyak. Jadi biar gue dan lo sendiri yang tau semua hal yang udah pernah kita jalanin selama setahun, mulai dari janji lo mau ngebeliin gue mie ayam kalo skor try out GO gue lebih tinggi daripada lo, sampe ngambeknya gue pas latihan buat ujian praktek bahasa Prancis dan lo dengan ga jelasnya ngejabat tangan gue sambil minta maaf -_- :)

Mungkin udah ada yang baca atau liat kalimat dan foto ini di instagram gue, tapi biar gue post sekali lagi di sini.

 A strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation and doesn't always need togetherness. Be well, do good work, and keep in touch, until we meet again★

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

Can't Deny It

Can't deny it...

I miss you, dumbass.

When I miss you and re-read our old conversations, I cry, not smile.

You don't realize how much I miss talking to you, how much I miss you talking to me.

How could I be so stupid for letting you go?

And here I am, sitting in my bed lonely again. Thinking about the way it has been, thought it was love, though it was true.

Yeah, I didn't know I could miss you this much.

Ok, forget it.

Nevermind me.

I'm just being pathetic all this time.

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011


Hellooooooo :)

This isn't a good news. This is a bad news ... well, for me.

Wait, take a look at this post's title hahaha yeah, what a beautiful date. And that's going to be a meaningful date for all Hottest in Indonesia! (Hottest : 2PM's fans) Because they will hold their "Hands Up Asian Tour" concert in Jakarta :D

I've prepared for this since a looonggg time ago hahahaha gue udah nabung tiap hari, ngga jajan, kadang bawa bekel dari rumah, supaya uang saku yang dikasih sama bokap gue bisa gue tabung buat beli tiket konsernya :)

Gue udah janjian sama Rizka Arianti buat barengan nonton konser ini, kita udah janji bakal beli tiket bareng, duduk di seat yang sebelahan, teriakin nama bias kita masing-masing, and see their abs with our own eyes :">

Gue udah ngga sabar gue bakal liat dia ... I'll meet him ... again ... for the second time. I'll see his adorable eyes, his sweet smile, his precious laugh. My boy, my breath, my heart, my soul ... my everything.

But the fact is ... Orangtua gue ngga ngebolehin gue buat nonton konser  mereka :))) *forcing myself to smile* Gue ngga perlulah maparin semua alasan mereka di sini, ntar gue nangis lagi hahahaha oke deh inti dari postingan ini adalah ... I will not attend 2PM's Hands Up Concert in Jakarta on November 11th, 2011. So, buat semua orang yang bakal dateng ke konser mereka, have fun ya! *teary-eyed*

Goodbye, Lee Junho :) :") :"(

"No one ever told me that "goodbye" would be this hard... And let go is even harder..." - Abby Jusuf, Perhaps You

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

Avril Lavigne - I am With You

I'm standing on a bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know
'Cause nothing's going right
And everything's a mess
And no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Oh why is everything so confusing
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yea yea yea

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you...


11 Mei 2011 kemaren.......GUE NONTON AVRIL!!!!


ini tiketnya :D

Gue nonton sama temen dari dunia kpop, Ayu Larasati :D Kita nonton The Black Star Tour ini karna kelebihan duit depresi ngga bisa nonton KIMCHI yg tiketnya bisa buat beli PS2 itu -_____- Jadi singkatnya, Avril ini kita jadikan sebagai pelarian hahaha

Tadinya kita hampir terancam ngga jadi nonton karna ngga dapet supir, di menjelang detik-detik terakhir akhirnya Ayu berhasil merayu nemu sopir *sujud syukur*

Kita ngira kita udah telat, konsernya udah mulai, gara-gara sepanjang jalan tuh maceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttt banget. Udah pasrah deh pokoknya. Eh ternyata pas udah masuk venue, konsernya belum mulai. Yaudah tuh kita nunggu, kira-kira masih jam stgh 6 deh itu, konsernya mulai jam 7.

Dan ternyata.......


Gilaaaaa di situ gue udah kesel banget. Bayangin aja 3 jam berdiri, desek-desekan berusaha mempertahankan posisi supaya ngga diserobot orang, sumpek, bau berbagai macam wewangian (dan keringat -___-), udah kayak mau pingsan rasanya. Mana belum makan malem pula hhhh sampe ada cowok yg teriak di belakang gue, "WOY LAPER VRILLL" zzz.

Konsernya baru mulai jam stgh 9 dan dibuka dgn lagu Black Star, terus dilanjut dengan lagu What The Hell. Gilaaaaa orang-orang semua pada loncat-loncatan sambil nyanyi-nyanyi, gokil abis deh pokoknya. Kayaknya semua orang pada ilang keselnya. Udah gitu dilanjut sama lagu-lagu yg lain, gue ga hapal urutannya, yang jelas dia nyanyi When You're Gone, Happy Ending, Girlfriend, Sk8ter Boy, I am With You, dan apa lagi gue ngga begitu hapal huahahaha abis dadakan sih nontonnya jd ga sempet ngapalin lagu-lagunya -_- Terakhir konser ditutup sama lagu Complicated.

Ada foto-fotonya sih, tapi ga jelas -_- Yang jelas malah video-nya.

Hasil foto gue ga terlalu jelas ya? Hahaha maklum, foto pake BB -_- Tapi jarak gue berdiri ke panggung lumayan deket kok. Gue bisa liat jelas dia pake eye-liner yg bikin dia jadi fierce abis. Tapi gue dapet foto yg jelas nya dari temen gue.

Konsernya selesai kira-kira stgh 11. Ortu gue udah marah-marah ga jelas -____- Pokoknya gue nyampe rumah jam 12an. Capek sih, tapi seneng :D

Dan karna nonton konser ini.......gue jadi suka lagu I am With You

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

We Call It ♥

Jatuh cinta. Kenapa cinta harus diiringi dengan kata “jatuh”? Jatuh cinta. Kenapa? Karena cinta itu datang secara tidak disengaja, sama kayak jatuh. Semua orang pasti ngga tau kapan mereka akan jatuh. Sama kayak cinta. Semua orang pasti ngga tau kapan mereka akan ngerasain yang namanya cinta. Jatuh, seringan apapun, pasti akan menimbulkan luka, entah itu goresan atau luka jaitan. Sama kayak cinta, sekecil apapun rasa cinta itu, pasti akan menimbulkan luka juga. Bedanya di sini, luka saat jatuh bisa diobati, tapi luka karena cinta yang terlalu dalam, ga akan pernah bisa diobati.

This is my confession… When I’m falling in love… I think about you, and then my heart beats faster but slower at the same time. I blush whenever I hear your name. I look at your profile constantly. I read your texts over and over again. I smile when I hear your voice. I love that feeling of being secure when you wrap your arms around me. I can be myself when I am with you. I can tell you anything, and you won't be shocked. And when you have to share anything you'll always come to me. Seems like I have become a crying shoulder to you. And I’m pained to see you in pain slightest of the slightest. And I just love him, I want him even more than me.

We started off as strangers, then soon became friends. You told me you liked me, thought I didn’t feel the same. Soon after you said, it started as a game. But soon became the truth. I don’t know what made me like you too. You’re the first one I think of when I wake up. And the last one I think of before I go to sleep. Everything. Our late night talks, dumb jokes, awkward moments, and all the laughter. Just makes me fall in love with you more. You give me butterflies when you say the sweetest things. Flirty little words, nick-names and playful games, and….sweet little kisses. Yeah, I love to be around you.

“I love being in love with you. Thank you just for choosing me. That we should be being in love forever. And ever, ever…”
I Love Being In Love With You – Diana Ross

But when you act like the one I didn’t fall in love with… it makes me wonder if we were really meant to be.

And then…’s over.

Gue merasakan yang namanya jatuh lagi. Dan kembali terluka. Luka itu lebih dalam dari luka-luka sebelumnya (apaan deh bahasa gue jadi resmi begini -_-) Hubungan kita berakhir bukan karena kita mau, tapi karena kita harus. Bukan karena kamu yang salah atau aku yang salah. Tapi karena hubungan kita ini yang salah di mata orang-orang. Kita terpaksa. Aku masih sayang sama kamu. Dari waktu itu, sampe sekarang.

Relationship sometimes come to an end. It’s just a fact of life. The problem is people just can’t let go and move on. The break up of this relationship probably seems like the end of the world. But it’s not.

“What's the wisest thing to do if you extremely want something or someone that/who can never be yours or can never be yours again or was never yours? Let go.” - Anonymous

Easier said than done. We may defy it, resist it or rebel against it, but that’s the way it should be…or the way we should go.

Let go.

I would stop thinking of him that much and start to convince myself that it’s a lost cause, that he’s not coming back. I have to tell myself the dreaded truth only I refused to acknowledge : He is not mine anymore and he’ll never be. I have to move on and live on for I have a full life ahead of me.

It’s like telling yourself that it’s no use crying over spilled milk and let bygones be bygones, let’s charge everything to experience.

He goes east, I’ll go west… and We both will live.

That’s all for now.

But I’ll always remember you :)

Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Hello 2011 :)

Ini pertama kalinya gue ngerayain taun baru di blog hahaha *tiup terompet*
Hmm when the clock strikes twelve on December 31st, people all over the world cheer and wish each other a very Happy New Year. For some, this event is no more than a change of a calendar. For others, the New Year symbolizes the beginning of a better tomorrow.
We will open the book. It pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called ‘Opportunity’ and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.
Ah and I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. But I absolutely know, you’ll never call me again. Honestly, I miss your voice.
Yayaya, drop the last into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.

Kay, Happy New Year! Wishing all a joyful New Year! ♥


#2010memories. 13TERS. thanks for being my girls, my family, my everything.

#2010memories. ELB. Ever-Lasting Bitch. haha nama yang kontroversial. seneng bisa punya fandom (?) sendiri deeeh berasa artis *kibas rambut*

#2010memories. semua orang di timeline twitter gue. ga mungkin bisa gue sebut satu-satu. pokoknya semua yang ada di following twitter gue, thanks udah bikin hari-hari gue lebih hidup dengan tweets kalian yang bisa gue retweet LOL

#2010memories. you - Kyle Alexander. thanks buat 080910-nya ♥ hahaha sekarang kita emang lebih comfort buat temenan. ah remember, we are 'SKY' hahaha

"cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with me, and you make everything alright. and when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me, and I can always find my way when you are here."
 Train - When I Look to The SKY

kay, bye bye 2010. thanks for all great memories :)

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Something That You Shouldn't Know

I just realized, it's so lonely being free. Gaaaaah don't get me wrong!! I don't mis him................... well, yayaya I miss him. Jangan geer. Gue kangen sama lo bukan sebagai orang yang manggil gue "sayang" tiap hari. Gue kangen lo sebagai temen gue. Tempat gue rely on. TAPI ga mungkin kan sekarang gue blak-blakan seenaknya ngomong gini ke lo? TAPI haruskah kita jadi orang yang ga saling kenal gini? Saling ga peduli perasaan masing-masing?

"You've gone now and I've moved on, why can't things just stay the same?"
Friend - Life at Last

Dan HA gue gatau mesti ngomong apalagi. Anggep gue manis silly karna bikin postingan ga bermutu kayak gini (dan postingan2 di bawah ini).

Oke lupakan. Ini cuma basa-basi doang sebenernya. Curhatan sebenernya hanya Vellie yang tau hahaha and you know what? You've turned my world upside down and inside out. and YAH!! why did I have to fall for you when you just keep falling for HER? Errrggghh pathetic.

And yeah,  I said I was over you, but oh I was so wrong.

Kay, Gnight! Aaaaaaaa what a random night!! *sigh*

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

Westlife - Swear it Again

Woaaaah just added this song to my playlist. Idk why. I heart Shane's adorable voice so damn muccch! Really love love this song :3

I wanna know
Who ever told you I was letting go
Of the only joy that I have ever known
Guy, they're lying

Just look around
And all of the people that we used to know
Have just given up, they wanna let it go
But we're still trying

So you should know this love we share was never made to die
I'm glad we're on this one way street just you and I
Just you and I

I'm never gonna say goodbye
Cos I never wanna see you cry
I swore to you my love would remain
And I swear it all over again and I
I'm never gonna treat you bad
Cos I never wanna see you sad
I swore to share your joy and your pain
And I swear it all over again

All over again

Some people say
That everything has got its place in time
Even the day must give way to the night
But I'm not buying
Cos in your eyes
I see a love that burns eternally
And if you see how beautiful you are to me
You'll know I'm not lying

Sure there'll be times we wanna say goodbye
But even if we try
There are something's in this life won't be denied
Won't be denied


The more I know of you is the more I know I love you
And the more that I'm sure I want you forever and ever more
The more that you love me, the more that I know
Oh that I'm never gonna let you go
Gotta let you know that I


Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

David Archuleta - A Little Too Not Over You

It never crossed my mind at all
That’s what i tell myself
What we had has come and gone
You’re better off with someone else
It’s for the best, i know it is
But i see you
Sometimes i try to hide
What i feel inside

And i turn around
You’re with her now
I just can’t figure it out

Tell me why
You’re so hard to forget
Don’t remind me
I’m not over it
Tell me why
I can’t seem to face the truth
I’m just a little too not over you

Not over you...

Supposed to fade
What’s wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go
Didn’t think it be this hard
Should be strong
Moving on
But i see you
Sometimes i try to hide
What i feel inside

And i turn around
You’re with her now
I just can’t figure it out

Tell me why
You’re so hard to forget
Don’t remind me
I’m not over it
Tell me why
I can’t seem to face the truth
I’m just a little too not over you

Maybe i regret
Everything i said
No way to take it all back, yeah
Now i’m on my own
How i let you go
I’ll never understand
I’ll never understand

Tell me why
You’re so hard to forget
Don’t remind me
I’m not over it
Tell me why
I can’t seem to face the truth
I’m just a little too not over you

Tell me why
You’re so hard to forget
Don’t remind me
I’m not over it
Tell me why
I can’t seem to face the truth
And i really don’t know what to do
I’m just a little too not over you

Not over you...

Selasa, 30 November 2010

Welcome December!

Akhirnya bulan desember juga ~

Bulan yg paling dibenci (karena bertepatan dgn UAS) sekaligus bulan yg paling dinanti (abis UAS langsung libur) labil deh emang, mau enaknya aja hahaha

Hmm mungkin kalo gue #decemberwish sekarang kayaknya udah telat dan ga berguna juga kali yah --"

Ah December.. please be nice to me aja deh hhh *pasrah*

Mungkin bulan ini bakal penuh penderitaan. UAS, belajar, tugas-tugas, remedial, hasil rapor zzz. Mungkin juga di akhir bulan ini bakal ada kebahagiaan. Liburan, jalan-jalan, refreshing, atau apalah. Of course, I'm lookin' forward to this year’s holiday season and I’ll be more than happy to share what’ll be on with me this end of the year. Tapi sebelum mencapai/meraih/menggapai liburan itu gue harus memakan kertas ulangan menghadapi UAS dulu hhh but no matter how hard it is, I'll be fine without you.

Ah good bye November ~ I'll miss you soon (?) -_-

I Wish I Could Rewind The Time

If I could rewind the time, please throw me back to 4 months ago.

Gue bener-bener kangen suasana anak twitter 4 bulan yang lalu.. Kangen suasana begadang bareng 13TERS 4 bulan yang lalu..

Kangen jaman semua masih seru, masih asik, masih tentram dan damai.. Ga kayak sekarang -_-

I miss......everything...

"@vitakatoo : @flamingsistha bangke, @minoyuno bangsat, @hanyonghee apadong? kampret? buset temen gua pengangguran semua."
"@HanYongHee: YA! BIKIN DUO BOKEP YUK SAMA GUE RT @flamingsistha : @HanYongHee dri dulu gw bokep -____- tiap malem kan gw ngefrontal mulu"
"@HanYongHee: bagus, timeline udah nggak ada dia. WOY BANGKE @FLAMINGSISTHA KAPAN SELESE LIMITNYA?"

"@HanYongHee: SIWON SAMA KUNYUK, BIAR CEPET MASUK NOH. HAHA RT @morastoic : Wey @HanYongHee @flamingsistha lg pada nyodok2 siapa sih ? Astaga bikin ngiri"

"@kkotminam94: @heysistha kenapa gag bisa tidur ?"

"@kkotminam94: @heysistha dek , main gendong2an lagi yuk ?"

"@kkotminam: unyunyunyu -gendong adek- RT @heysistha : unyuuu sini aku peluk ♥ RT @kkotminam94 : PELUK OPPA DULU ! haha"

Cuma segitu yg berhasil gue temuin. Yang anak 13TERS dan ainnya udah kelelep hhh

Gue kangen saat-saat- itu.

Saat 13TERS masih dengan sifatnya yang dulu, yang ga peduli orang mau bilang apa, yang selalu frontal tiap malem, yang belum kenal istilah "galau" karna cowok.
Saat punya "family". Papa Onew, mama Ninda, koko Mike, twin Nana, dan gue.

Saat semua belum kayak gini. Saat semua masih baik-baik aja.

If we could turn back time, if we could go back to the beginning, if we could rewind the clock... then I'd like to let you know, just one thing before your time go that every moment you were living was a blessing to me.

Jumat, 19 November 2010

Cheer Up!

Hallooooooouuwwww :)

Gue kembali lagi dengan postingan yg galau menggembirakan uwuwuwuwu *tiup terompet*

Kemaren, tepatnya hari Kamis, tanggal 18 November 2010, SMA Negeri 6 Bogor pulang cepeeeeeet YEAH *rubuhin gerbang* kenapa tiba-tiba ada mukjizat seperti itu? Semua karena ada penyembelihan manusia binatang qurban lalalala

Hmm berhubung males pulang ke rumah, jadilah gue, Dyah, Ulfah, Grace, Mira, dan Santi memutuskan untuk jalan-jalaaaaaan. Setelah berunding dgn seksama, memutuskan ini-itu, dan mempertimbangkan dampak aksi dan reaksi, akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk jalan ke Botani Square.

Pertama, kita karaokean dulu hahaha oh iya ini foto-foto pas di tempat karaokenya *walaupun nyanyi fals, yg penting gaya asik* maaf agak blur, efek dari tempatnya yg remang-remang --"

Cuma ini yg bisa diupload, abis yg lain blur banget hiks. Oh iya, abis itu Santi & Mira pulang duluan. Gue, Grace, Dyah, dan Ulfah nyempetin waktu buat photobox dulu hahaha

Nah itu gue edit dikit biar agak bagusan hahaha btw guenya gede banget huhuhu

Abis photobox. Kita makan deh di Pizza Hut, di sana si Dyah motoin gue & Grace dengan berbagai foto memalukan hiks ngefans mah bilang aja, Dy... -_________-

Huaaaaaa pokoknya makasih banget buat hari itu. Gue bisa ketawa & ngakak sekenceng ini gara-gara kalian :D

And yeah...

When it hurts to look back and you're scared to look ahead you can look beside you and your best friend will be there :)

Cheer up!

Senin, 28 April 2014

Unrequited Love

'Unrequited love' sounds kind of old-fashioned, doesn't it?

But it is what I feel right now.

My thoughts continually turn to him. Every song reminds me of his face. I fantasize about us being together. It's an ache that literally hurts my chest. In the hours and days after seeing him, I keep smiling like an idiot.

Even though it was not the 'real-seeing', sometimes he just walked by and I saw him from afar (really afar), sometimes he was sitting on a bench and I was the one who walked by (and quietly admiring him), we never talked, we never smiled to each other, and I wondered if he knew my name.

But my peaceful life of adoring him from distances has changed.

My friends, well, they're not actually my friends in this case, told him that I like him so much.

I was so embarrassed that my cheeks turned red. And he saw that, he saw me running like a headless chicken since I wanted to hide myself from him. But of course, I failed.

He just smiled, since he was so shy, meanwhile I was busy covering my face.

I hate my friends so much that day.

Well, only that day. They're still my friends despite what they've done to me. Look how kindhearted I am.

But since that 'tragedy' happened at the canteen of the pharmacy building, many people saw me too and I really wanted to dig a hole and bury myself there forever.

So, these days, I've been avoiding him.

I don't want to see nor meet him anymore.

If I see him in front of the building that I have classes in, I take the other way to enter.

I don't want him to see me that much because I don't even have the courage to look into his eyes anymore.

Yes, I'm a pathetic girl.

And yes, unrequited love is a bore, and I've got it pretty bad. But for someone that I adore, it's a pleasure to be sad.

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

New Life, Old Feelings

Hi, people!
Long time no write hahaha my last post was on feb 5, 2012...

Oke, jadi di sini sebenarnya gue lagi ngerjain lapak (laporan akhir) praktikum fisdas (fisika dasar) gue. Tapi entah setan apa yang menggoda gue untuk login ke blog gue yang udah jamuran ini dan memutuskan untuk bikin postingan baru.

Bagi yang belum tau, sekarang gue tengah sok sibuk-sibuknya menjalani kehidupan sebagai mahasiswi cantik tapi ga kurus-kurus. Yep, status gue sekarang adalah sebagai pacar orang mahasiswi Farmasi Universitas Padjadjaran :)

Kemafar Unpad 2013

Farmasi Unpad adalah doa gue berbulan-bulan yang lalu, saat gue dan temen-temen seperjuangan gue yang lain tengah galau sehabis lulus UN SMA, mau lanjut ke mana. Dari beribu-ribu orang yang daftar SNMPTN ke sana, gue adalah satu dari 161 pendaftar yang diterima. Pas pengumuman gue nangis, nangis bahagia karena gue yang begini, bisa bikin orangtua gue bangga. Gue seneeeng banget. Karena gue udah dapet kursi di jurusan yang gue idam-idamkan tanpa berharap lebih. Berbulan-bulan gue habiskan dengan gabut, nunggu daftar ulang dan resmi jadi mahasiswi di sana.

Setelah resmi dan ngejalanin kehidupan perkuliahan di sana...............................................bye :)
Jangan tanya enakan kuliah atau SMA. Jangan.

Oke, gue ga mau ngeluh gue nulis jurnal - lapak - jurnal - lapak terus setiap hari sampe jari-jari gue kapalan di sini (lah ini namanya apa, Sist). Gue mau percepat aja ya.

Hari Sabtu, tanggal 12 Oktober 2013, ospek atau mabim atau peka atau apapun itu, beres. Gue bahagia banget rasanya mau nyium tanah tapi gue tumbang hari itu hahahaha sampe dianter pulang kang *.....* (sensor). Sumpah bukan modus, beneran sakit kok. Ya pokoknya ospek selama tujuh minggu itu (akhirnya) berakhir dan gue bisa pulang ke Bogor dalam rangka libur Idul Adha dengan tenang.

Gue pulang malam itu juga, dijemput bokap, sama kakak gue, bertiga. Gue ga tau deh perjalanannya lancar atau macet soalnya sepanjang jalan gue tidur -_- Gue cuma dibangunin sekali dan itu untuk.........................makan. Gue sampe rumah jam 23.30 dan gue langsung lari ke kamar.

Kamar gue tersayang :')

Dan gue langsung tepar. Besok paginya gue bangun jam 7, sarapan, terus tidur lagi. Siangnya gue jalan-jalan sama keluarga gue ke Botani Square. Oke, ulang lagi. BOTANI SQUARE!!!!!!!!!!! Rasanya udah berabad-abad ga ke sana sampe gue ngira pas gue ke sana mall itu udah naik tingkat jadi lantai 8.

Hari Senin, gue ga mau diem di rumah. Mumpung libur dan di Bogor, gue ga mau berkutat dengan tugas-tugas yang gue bawa dari Jatinangor. Akhirnya hari itu gue dapet schedule karaokean sama Ayu di Happy Puppy dan main sama temen-temen SMA gue di Botani, yang masih belum jelas siapa aja yang bakal ikut hari itu, pokoknya yang penting main.

Gue dan Ayu janjian berangkat jam 11, gue dianter bokap, doi naik angkot. Gue kena AC, doi kepanasan. Rada kasian juga sih, gue curiga pas ketemu di Happy Puppy badan dia agak kecilan jangan-jangan menyusut karena kena panas mesin angkot. Peace, Yu, bercanda ;) Ya seperti biasa, kita ga paling anti karaoke cuma sebentar. Jadilah gue dan dia mesen buat tiga jam. Bener-bener siap debut :)

Tapi di tengah-tengah karaoke, Aip bbm. Dia nyuruh gue ke Botani saat itu juga, soalnya dia udah di sana. Please banget padahal janjiannya jam 5. Yaudah beres karaoke sekitar jam 3 sore, gue langsung caw ke sana dan meninggalkan Ayu pulang sendirian. Iya, gue jahat banget emang. Pas gue nyampe sana......................taunya Aip lagi nemenin nyokapnya belanja. Ga mungkin dong gue nyamperin dia sama keluarganya. It would be super awkward for both of us. Gue udah siap-siap pengen nyekek Aip karena udah nyuruh gue buru-buru ke sana.

Gue memutuskan untuk ke Gramedia dan ngeborong novel beserta komik untuk persediaan gue di Jatinangor sambil nunggu Aip beres jalan-jalan sama keluarganya. Gue ngehubungin Putri, Tiar, dan Yasmira, nyuruh mereka ke Botani. Taunya respon mereka sama semua, "Loh katanya jam 5, Sist? Kok sekarang?" Sumpah ya -_______- Kayaknya emang gue yang terlalu nurut sama Aip. Atau terlalu bodoh. Mau aja disuruh dateng cepet. Dalem hati gue nyumpahin dia biar makin botak.

Dan saking keselnya, gue sampe ngetweet:
"Sumpah kalo kayak gini lebih mending 100000000x makan tahu sumedang sama Has**"

Karena gue laper, gue memutuskan untuk ke Solaria dan makan sendiri di sana. Ngenes banget ga sih. Mana di luar hujan. Gue udah bete kuadrat gitu, Tiar bbm:

"Sis, tunggu ya gue berangkatnya nungguin Aip"

"Loh kok nungguin Aip?"

"Iya, dia kan pulang dulu nganter keluarganya, baru berangkat bareng gue"

Gue semakin rajin berdoa, "Semoga Aip botak selamanya. Semoga Aip botak selamanya. Semoga Aip botak selamanya. Semoga Aip botak selamanya. Semoga Aip botak selamanya."
Setelah berpuluh-puluh menit gue makan sendiri di Solaria, akhirnya Putri dateng. Ga lama kemudian Aip dan Tiar dateng, tadinya gue mau sok-sok ngambek gitu tapi gagal gara-gara ngeliat Aip semi-botak pake kupluk kayak mamang-mamang villa. Terakhir, Yasmira. Lengkap deh kita ngobrol-ngobrol di Solaria sampe mbak-mbaknya kesel pengen ngusir.

Berhubung kita sadar kita udah kelamaan di situ, kita pindah ke J.Co. Di sana kita cuma ngobrol sampe jam 20.30 karena kita berlima udah disms orangtua masing-masing, disuruh pulang, malam takbiran. Zzzzz. Sebelum pulang, udah pasti kita foto-foto dulu :)

I'll miss you, guys :)

Di mobil, di perjalanan pulang, gue tersadar. Gue ga bakal nemu pengganti mereka. Mungkin gue terlalu gengsi untuk bilang hal ini secara langsung ke mereka, makanya bakal gue tulis di sini.

Tiar: di Unpad, gue ga nemu orang yang se-bawel lo. Bawel ngingetin tugas, bawel ngelarang ga boleh ketawa kenceng-kenceng, bawel marahin kalo gue dan Aip ngomong ambigu, dan masih banyak lagi. Awalnya gue sama Aip sering kesel kalo dibawelin gitu, tapi sekarang, di saat orang-orang yang gue temui setiap hari sibuk dengan dirinya sendiri, gue kangen kebawelan lo, Yar, yang bisa diartikan sebagai rasa peduli lo sama temen-temen di sekitar lo.

Putri: di Unpad, gue ga nemu orang yang menggelayuti gue tanpa gue merasa terbebani. Gue seneng lo panggil "Mamih", gue seneng lo peluk, lo rangkul, lo gandeng, pas kita mau jajan ke kantin bareng. Bahkan kemarin, lo masih kayak gitu ke gue. Di saat gue lagi sendiri di kostan begini, gue kangen semua itu.

Yasmira: di Unpad, ga ada yang mau nemenin gue ke mana-mana. Mungkin kemarin gue udah bilang, "Miii, di sana ga ada lagi yang mau nemenin gue kalo gue belum dijemput." Dan lo cuma ketawa. Iya, di sini semuanya punya urusan sendiri-sendiri dan telalu sibuk untuk ngurusin gue yang manja ini. Cuma lo yang mau nemenin gue kalo belum dijemput, nemenin gue ke kantin padahal lo udah kenyang, nemenin gue naik angkot walau harus muter balik karena gue ga bisa pulang sendiri. Ga bakal ada yang kayak lo di sini karena mungkin sifat itu hanya lo yang punya.

Dan terakhir,

Aip: di Unpad, ga ada yang... Seperti kata lo dulu, seperti yang selalu lo bilang ke gue kalo gue lagi kesel sama lo, "Jangan ngambek, Sis. Nanti di Unpad ga bakal ada yang kayak gue loh." Iya, Ip. Iya. Di Unpad ga ada yang kayak lo. Ga ada cowok yang baru dateng tiga detik udah bisa bikin gue ketawa. Ga ada. Gue bahkan ga bisa ngelist apa aja yang ada di diri lo yang ga gue temuin di sini, karena....................................terlalu banyak. Jadi biar gue dan lo sendiri yang tau semua hal yang udah pernah kita jalanin selama setahun, mulai dari janji lo mau ngebeliin gue mie ayam kalo skor try out GO gue lebih tinggi daripada lo, sampe ngambeknya gue pas latihan buat ujian praktek bahasa Prancis dan lo dengan ga jelasnya ngejabat tangan gue sambil minta maaf -_- :)

Mungkin udah ada yang baca atau liat kalimat dan foto ini di instagram gue, tapi biar gue post sekali lagi di sini.

 A strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation and doesn't always need togetherness. Be well, do good work, and keep in touch, until we meet again★

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

Can't Deny It

Can't deny it...

I miss you, dumbass.

When I miss you and re-read our old conversations, I cry, not smile.

You don't realize how much I miss talking to you, how much I miss you talking to me.

How could I be so stupid for letting you go?

And here I am, sitting in my bed lonely again. Thinking about the way it has been, thought it was love, though it was true.

Yeah, I didn't know I could miss you this much.

Ok, forget it.

Nevermind me.

I'm just being pathetic all this time.

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011


Hellooooooo :)

This isn't a good news. This is a bad news ... well, for me.

Wait, take a look at this post's title hahaha yeah, what a beautiful date. And that's going to be a meaningful date for all Hottest in Indonesia! (Hottest : 2PM's fans) Because they will hold their "Hands Up Asian Tour" concert in Jakarta :D

I've prepared for this since a looonggg time ago hahahaha gue udah nabung tiap hari, ngga jajan, kadang bawa bekel dari rumah, supaya uang saku yang dikasih sama bokap gue bisa gue tabung buat beli tiket konsernya :)

Gue udah janjian sama Rizka Arianti buat barengan nonton konser ini, kita udah janji bakal beli tiket bareng, duduk di seat yang sebelahan, teriakin nama bias kita masing-masing, and see their abs with our own eyes :">

Gue udah ngga sabar gue bakal liat dia ... I'll meet him ... again ... for the second time. I'll see his adorable eyes, his sweet smile, his precious laugh. My boy, my breath, my heart, my soul ... my everything.

But the fact is ... Orangtua gue ngga ngebolehin gue buat nonton konser  mereka :))) *forcing myself to smile* Gue ngga perlulah maparin semua alasan mereka di sini, ntar gue nangis lagi hahahaha oke deh inti dari postingan ini adalah ... I will not attend 2PM's Hands Up Concert in Jakarta on November 11th, 2011. So, buat semua orang yang bakal dateng ke konser mereka, have fun ya! *teary-eyed*

Goodbye, Lee Junho :) :") :"(

"No one ever told me that "goodbye" would be this hard... And let go is even harder..." - Abby Jusuf, Perhaps You

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

Avril Lavigne - I am With You

I'm standing on a bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know
'Cause nothing's going right
And everything's a mess
And no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Oh why is everything so confusing
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yea yea yea

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you...


11 Mei 2011 kemaren.......GUE NONTON AVRIL!!!!


ini tiketnya :D

Gue nonton sama temen dari dunia kpop, Ayu Larasati :D Kita nonton The Black Star Tour ini karna kelebihan duit depresi ngga bisa nonton KIMCHI yg tiketnya bisa buat beli PS2 itu -_____- Jadi singkatnya, Avril ini kita jadikan sebagai pelarian hahaha

Tadinya kita hampir terancam ngga jadi nonton karna ngga dapet supir, di menjelang detik-detik terakhir akhirnya Ayu berhasil merayu nemu sopir *sujud syukur*

Kita ngira kita udah telat, konsernya udah mulai, gara-gara sepanjang jalan tuh maceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttt banget. Udah pasrah deh pokoknya. Eh ternyata pas udah masuk venue, konsernya belum mulai. Yaudah tuh kita nunggu, kira-kira masih jam stgh 6 deh itu, konsernya mulai jam 7.

Dan ternyata.......


Gilaaaaa di situ gue udah kesel banget. Bayangin aja 3 jam berdiri, desek-desekan berusaha mempertahankan posisi supaya ngga diserobot orang, sumpek, bau berbagai macam wewangian (dan keringat -___-), udah kayak mau pingsan rasanya. Mana belum makan malem pula hhhh sampe ada cowok yg teriak di belakang gue, "WOY LAPER VRILLL" zzz.

Konsernya baru mulai jam stgh 9 dan dibuka dgn lagu Black Star, terus dilanjut dengan lagu What The Hell. Gilaaaaa orang-orang semua pada loncat-loncatan sambil nyanyi-nyanyi, gokil abis deh pokoknya. Kayaknya semua orang pada ilang keselnya. Udah gitu dilanjut sama lagu-lagu yg lain, gue ga hapal urutannya, yang jelas dia nyanyi When You're Gone, Happy Ending, Girlfriend, Sk8ter Boy, I am With You, dan apa lagi gue ngga begitu hapal huahahaha abis dadakan sih nontonnya jd ga sempet ngapalin lagu-lagunya -_- Terakhir konser ditutup sama lagu Complicated.

Ada foto-fotonya sih, tapi ga jelas -_- Yang jelas malah video-nya.

Hasil foto gue ga terlalu jelas ya? Hahaha maklum, foto pake BB -_- Tapi jarak gue berdiri ke panggung lumayan deket kok. Gue bisa liat jelas dia pake eye-liner yg bikin dia jadi fierce abis. Tapi gue dapet foto yg jelas nya dari temen gue.

Konsernya selesai kira-kira stgh 11. Ortu gue udah marah-marah ga jelas -____- Pokoknya gue nyampe rumah jam 12an. Capek sih, tapi seneng :D

Dan karna nonton konser ini.......gue jadi suka lagu I am With You

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

We Call It ♥

Jatuh cinta. Kenapa cinta harus diiringi dengan kata “jatuh”? Jatuh cinta. Kenapa? Karena cinta itu datang secara tidak disengaja, sama kayak jatuh. Semua orang pasti ngga tau kapan mereka akan jatuh. Sama kayak cinta. Semua orang pasti ngga tau kapan mereka akan ngerasain yang namanya cinta. Jatuh, seringan apapun, pasti akan menimbulkan luka, entah itu goresan atau luka jaitan. Sama kayak cinta, sekecil apapun rasa cinta itu, pasti akan menimbulkan luka juga. Bedanya di sini, luka saat jatuh bisa diobati, tapi luka karena cinta yang terlalu dalam, ga akan pernah bisa diobati.

This is my confession… When I’m falling in love… I think about you, and then my heart beats faster but slower at the same time. I blush whenever I hear your name. I look at your profile constantly. I read your texts over and over again. I smile when I hear your voice. I love that feeling of being secure when you wrap your arms around me. I can be myself when I am with you. I can tell you anything, and you won't be shocked. And when you have to share anything you'll always come to me. Seems like I have become a crying shoulder to you. And I’m pained to see you in pain slightest of the slightest. And I just love him, I want him even more than me.

We started off as strangers, then soon became friends. You told me you liked me, thought I didn’t feel the same. Soon after you said, it started as a game. But soon became the truth. I don’t know what made me like you too. You’re the first one I think of when I wake up. And the last one I think of before I go to sleep. Everything. Our late night talks, dumb jokes, awkward moments, and all the laughter. Just makes me fall in love with you more. You give me butterflies when you say the sweetest things. Flirty little words, nick-names and playful games, and….sweet little kisses. Yeah, I love to be around you.

“I love being in love with you. Thank you just for choosing me. That we should be being in love forever. And ever, ever…”
I Love Being In Love With You – Diana Ross

But when you act like the one I didn’t fall in love with… it makes me wonder if we were really meant to be.

And then…’s over.

Gue merasakan yang namanya jatuh lagi. Dan kembali terluka. Luka itu lebih dalam dari luka-luka sebelumnya (apaan deh bahasa gue jadi resmi begini -_-) Hubungan kita berakhir bukan karena kita mau, tapi karena kita harus. Bukan karena kamu yang salah atau aku yang salah. Tapi karena hubungan kita ini yang salah di mata orang-orang. Kita terpaksa. Aku masih sayang sama kamu. Dari waktu itu, sampe sekarang.

Relationship sometimes come to an end. It’s just a fact of life. The problem is people just can’t let go and move on. The break up of this relationship probably seems like the end of the world. But it’s not.

“What's the wisest thing to do if you extremely want something or someone that/who can never be yours or can never be yours again or was never yours? Let go.” - Anonymous

Easier said than done. We may defy it, resist it or rebel against it, but that’s the way it should be…or the way we should go.

Let go.

I would stop thinking of him that much and start to convince myself that it’s a lost cause, that he’s not coming back. I have to tell myself the dreaded truth only I refused to acknowledge : He is not mine anymore and he’ll never be. I have to move on and live on for I have a full life ahead of me.

It’s like telling yourself that it’s no use crying over spilled milk and let bygones be bygones, let’s charge everything to experience.

He goes east, I’ll go west… and We both will live.

That’s all for now.

But I’ll always remember you :)

Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Hello 2011 :)

Ini pertama kalinya gue ngerayain taun baru di blog hahaha *tiup terompet*
Hmm when the clock strikes twelve on December 31st, people all over the world cheer and wish each other a very Happy New Year. For some, this event is no more than a change of a calendar. For others, the New Year symbolizes the beginning of a better tomorrow.
We will open the book. It pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called ‘Opportunity’ and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.
Ah and I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. But I absolutely know, you’ll never call me again. Honestly, I miss your voice.
Yayaya, drop the last into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.

Kay, Happy New Year! Wishing all a joyful New Year! ♥


#2010memories. 13TERS. thanks for being my girls, my family, my everything.

#2010memories. ELB. Ever-Lasting Bitch. haha nama yang kontroversial. seneng bisa punya fandom (?) sendiri deeeh berasa artis *kibas rambut*

#2010memories. semua orang di timeline twitter gue. ga mungkin bisa gue sebut satu-satu. pokoknya semua yang ada di following twitter gue, thanks udah bikin hari-hari gue lebih hidup dengan tweets kalian yang bisa gue retweet LOL

#2010memories. you - Kyle Alexander. thanks buat 080910-nya ♥ hahaha sekarang kita emang lebih comfort buat temenan. ah remember, we are 'SKY' hahaha

"cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with me, and you make everything alright. and when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me, and I can always find my way when you are here."
 Train - When I Look to The SKY

kay, bye bye 2010. thanks for all great memories :)

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Something That You Shouldn't Know

I just realized, it's so lonely being free. Gaaaaah don't get me wrong!! I don't mis him................... well, yayaya I miss him. Jangan geer. Gue kangen sama lo bukan sebagai orang yang manggil gue "sayang" tiap hari. Gue kangen lo sebagai temen gue. Tempat gue rely on. TAPI ga mungkin kan sekarang gue blak-blakan seenaknya ngomong gini ke lo? TAPI haruskah kita jadi orang yang ga saling kenal gini? Saling ga peduli perasaan masing-masing?

"You've gone now and I've moved on, why can't things just stay the same?"
Friend - Life at Last

Dan HA gue gatau mesti ngomong apalagi. Anggep gue manis silly karna bikin postingan ga bermutu kayak gini (dan postingan2 di bawah ini).

Oke lupakan. Ini cuma basa-basi doang sebenernya. Curhatan sebenernya hanya Vellie yang tau hahaha and you know what? You've turned my world upside down and inside out. and YAH!! why did I have to fall for you when you just keep falling for HER? Errrggghh pathetic.

And yeah,  I said I was over you, but oh I was so wrong.

Kay, Gnight! Aaaaaaaa what a random night!! *sigh*

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

Westlife - Swear it Again

Woaaaah just added this song to my playlist. Idk why. I heart Shane's adorable voice so damn muccch! Really love love this song :3

I wanna know
Who ever told you I was letting go
Of the only joy that I have ever known
Guy, they're lying

Just look around
And all of the people that we used to know
Have just given up, they wanna let it go
But we're still trying

So you should know this love we share was never made to die
I'm glad we're on this one way street just you and I
Just you and I

I'm never gonna say goodbye
Cos I never wanna see you cry
I swore to you my love would remain
And I swear it all over again and I
I'm never gonna treat you bad
Cos I never wanna see you sad
I swore to share your joy and your pain
And I swear it all over again

All over again

Some people say
That everything has got its place in time
Even the day must give way to the night
But I'm not buying
Cos in your eyes
I see a love that burns eternally
And if you see how beautiful you are to me
You'll know I'm not lying

Sure there'll be times we wanna say goodbye
But even if we try
There are something's in this life won't be denied
Won't be denied


The more I know of you is the more I know I love you
And the more that I'm sure I want you forever and ever more
The more that you love me, the more that I know
Oh that I'm never gonna let you go
Gotta let you know that I


Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

David Archuleta - A Little Too Not Over You

It never crossed my mind at all
That’s what i tell myself
What we had has come and gone
You’re better off with someone else
It’s for the best, i know it is
But i see you
Sometimes i try to hide
What i feel inside

And i turn around
You’re with her now
I just can’t figure it out

Tell me why
You’re so hard to forget
Don’t remind me
I’m not over it
Tell me why
I can’t seem to face the truth
I’m just a little too not over you

Not over you...

Supposed to fade
What’s wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go
Didn’t think it be this hard
Should be strong
Moving on
But i see you
Sometimes i try to hide
What i feel inside

And i turn around
You’re with her now
I just can’t figure it out

Tell me why
You’re so hard to forget
Don’t remind me
I’m not over it
Tell me why
I can’t seem to face the truth
I’m just a little too not over you

Maybe i regret
Everything i said
No way to take it all back, yeah
Now i’m on my own
How i let you go
I’ll never understand
I’ll never understand

Tell me why
You’re so hard to forget
Don’t remind me
I’m not over it
Tell me why
I can’t seem to face the truth
I’m just a little too not over you

Tell me why
You’re so hard to forget
Don’t remind me
I’m not over it
Tell me why
I can’t seem to face the truth
And i really don’t know what to do
I’m just a little too not over you

Not over you...

Selasa, 30 November 2010

Welcome December!

Akhirnya bulan desember juga ~

Bulan yg paling dibenci (karena bertepatan dgn UAS) sekaligus bulan yg paling dinanti (abis UAS langsung libur) labil deh emang, mau enaknya aja hahaha

Hmm mungkin kalo gue #decemberwish sekarang kayaknya udah telat dan ga berguna juga kali yah --"

Ah December.. please be nice to me aja deh hhh *pasrah*

Mungkin bulan ini bakal penuh penderitaan. UAS, belajar, tugas-tugas, remedial, hasil rapor zzz. Mungkin juga di akhir bulan ini bakal ada kebahagiaan. Liburan, jalan-jalan, refreshing, atau apalah. Of course, I'm lookin' forward to this year’s holiday season and I’ll be more than happy to share what’ll be on with me this end of the year. Tapi sebelum mencapai/meraih/menggapai liburan itu gue harus memakan kertas ulangan menghadapi UAS dulu hhh but no matter how hard it is, I'll be fine without you.

Ah good bye November ~ I'll miss you soon (?) -_-

I Wish I Could Rewind The Time

If I could rewind the time, please throw me back to 4 months ago.

Gue bener-bener kangen suasana anak twitter 4 bulan yang lalu.. Kangen suasana begadang bareng 13TERS 4 bulan yang lalu..

Kangen jaman semua masih seru, masih asik, masih tentram dan damai.. Ga kayak sekarang -_-

I miss......everything...

"@vitakatoo : @flamingsistha bangke, @minoyuno bangsat, @hanyonghee apadong? kampret? buset temen gua pengangguran semua."
"@HanYongHee: YA! BIKIN DUO BOKEP YUK SAMA GUE RT @flamingsistha : @HanYongHee dri dulu gw bokep -____- tiap malem kan gw ngefrontal mulu"
"@HanYongHee: bagus, timeline udah nggak ada dia. WOY BANGKE @FLAMINGSISTHA KAPAN SELESE LIMITNYA?"

"@HanYongHee: SIWON SAMA KUNYUK, BIAR CEPET MASUK NOH. HAHA RT @morastoic : Wey @HanYongHee @flamingsistha lg pada nyodok2 siapa sih ? Astaga bikin ngiri"

"@kkotminam94: @heysistha kenapa gag bisa tidur ?"

"@kkotminam94: @heysistha dek , main gendong2an lagi yuk ?"

"@kkotminam: unyunyunyu -gendong adek- RT @heysistha : unyuuu sini aku peluk ♥ RT @kkotminam94 : PELUK OPPA DULU ! haha"

Cuma segitu yg berhasil gue temuin. Yang anak 13TERS dan ainnya udah kelelep hhh

Gue kangen saat-saat- itu.

Saat 13TERS masih dengan sifatnya yang dulu, yang ga peduli orang mau bilang apa, yang selalu frontal tiap malem, yang belum kenal istilah "galau" karna cowok.
Saat punya "family". Papa Onew, mama Ninda, koko Mike, twin Nana, dan gue.

Saat semua belum kayak gini. Saat semua masih baik-baik aja.

If we could turn back time, if we could go back to the beginning, if we could rewind the clock... then I'd like to let you know, just one thing before your time go that every moment you were living was a blessing to me.

Jumat, 19 November 2010

Cheer Up!

Hallooooooouuwwww :)

Gue kembali lagi dengan postingan yg galau menggembirakan uwuwuwuwu *tiup terompet*

Kemaren, tepatnya hari Kamis, tanggal 18 November 2010, SMA Negeri 6 Bogor pulang cepeeeeeet YEAH *rubuhin gerbang* kenapa tiba-tiba ada mukjizat seperti itu? Semua karena ada penyembelihan manusia binatang qurban lalalala

Hmm berhubung males pulang ke rumah, jadilah gue, Dyah, Ulfah, Grace, Mira, dan Santi memutuskan untuk jalan-jalaaaaaan. Setelah berunding dgn seksama, memutuskan ini-itu, dan mempertimbangkan dampak aksi dan reaksi, akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk jalan ke Botani Square.

Pertama, kita karaokean dulu hahaha oh iya ini foto-foto pas di tempat karaokenya *walaupun nyanyi fals, yg penting gaya asik* maaf agak blur, efek dari tempatnya yg remang-remang --"

Cuma ini yg bisa diupload, abis yg lain blur banget hiks. Oh iya, abis itu Santi & Mira pulang duluan. Gue, Grace, Dyah, dan Ulfah nyempetin waktu buat photobox dulu hahaha

Nah itu gue edit dikit biar agak bagusan hahaha btw guenya gede banget huhuhu

Abis photobox. Kita makan deh di Pizza Hut, di sana si Dyah motoin gue & Grace dengan berbagai foto memalukan hiks ngefans mah bilang aja, Dy... -_________-

Huaaaaaa pokoknya makasih banget buat hari itu. Gue bisa ketawa & ngakak sekenceng ini gara-gara kalian :D

And yeah...

When it hurts to look back and you're scared to look ahead you can look beside you and your best friend will be there :)

Cheer up!